F – G – H – I – J | T5T

Hi guys it is Tuesday, and so time for another Top 5 Tuesday post. If you don’t already know this meme was created by Shanah over at the BionicBookWorm, and each week we get a bookish topic to talk about. For this month we don’t get a particular topic but letters, which I am actually really enjoying since we just get to talk about our favourite books without having any specific topics involved. This weeks topic is F – G – H – I – J. So lets talk about some of my favourite books :D;



Fables by Bill Willingham, Lan Medina, and Steve Leialoha

I have read the first eight volumes of this graphic novel series and absolutely love it! This series is about fairytale characters who have been displaced from their world and now live in modern New York City. They all have such interesting backstories that have been reworked in a way and I love how they now all live together in America.




The Giver Quartet by Lois Lowry

I first read the Giver when I was about 9 or 10 and I absolutely loved it, I read it again when I was about 18 and loved it even more the second time. I had always wanted more from this story and this world even when I was a kid but I never realised that there were more books until I was an adult. I loved the rest of the series just as much as the first book, we get to meet so many more characters and parts of this world and I just loved it so much. This is definitely a series that I could recommend for all ages because I am pretty sure that you could read and love this series at ny point in your life.



The Host by Stephenie Meyer

This is my most read book! I loved it and still absolutely adore this book to this day. The things that really made this book for me were the characters who just found their way into my heart, they had such beautiful relationships both romantic and platonic and I just loved them all 😀 This was also the first science fiction novel that I had read and I loved the world and all of planets and species that are mentioned in the book, I would have loved to see more from them, but if I am being perfectly honest I would love to have absolutely anything else from this series because I love it so much!!



Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

I absolutely loved this series but especially this book! Everyone else seemed to enjoy the next books more than this one but this was the one that sticks out to me. In this book there is just so much mystery about what is happening on this ship, this book was insanely addictive to read, I was on edge for almost the entire book it was just the most fast paced exciting science fiction novel that I have ever read!



Just Listen by Sarah Dessen

I have loved every single Sarah Dessen book that I have read, they are all incredibly sweet but always have something hard hitting that our characters are working through. I love watching all of our characters go though so much growth, and in this novel that is exactly what we get. The friendship between Annabel and Owen was precious, they were really there for each other even during their hardest times and I loved it

Thank you for reading!

6 Comments Add yours

  1. J.W. Martin says:

    I had no idea that The Giver was a quartet. Actually, I didn’t even know there was anything beyond The Giver. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must go and crawl back under my rock.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ruqs says:

      I also had no idea

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Ruqs says:

    Great choices! I’ve heard so much about The Giver! and I DNF-ed Illuminae because the formatting scared me 😂 maybe I should try again! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beware Of The Reader says:

    Oh yes The Host! So much better than Twilight 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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